Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thanks from JHC and Genesis Co-op

Multnomah Monthly Meeting sent us to Nicaragua with this "traveling minute". 
We gave it to the Jubilee House folks and the Genesis Co-op members, and they wrote their thanks and blessings on it and returned it to us. The text of the "thank you" notes is below along with a photo of each one who wrote it:

Front side:

Greetings Friends! Thank you for sending this wonderful group of people to the Center to help, learn and broaden a relationship between our community the work and the people of Nicaragua.

Kathleen Murdock for the Jubilee House Community 

Pablo Gonzales

Ervín Estrada

Gloria Elena Aguirre – hola q’ el Señor los bendiga

Gloria Elena Aguirre – Hello, may the Lord bless you all.

Xiomara Experanza Obando – Hola estamos muy agradecidos por haber trabajado para nuestro proyecto. Que Dios los Bendiga.

Xiomara Experanza Obando – Hello we are very thankful that you have worked for our project. May God bless you.

Back side:

From Friends in Managua, Nicaragua to Friends in Portland, Greetings! What a blessing it was to have Multnomah Friends worship with us at the Managua Worship Group on 28 August 2001 (means 2011). We are a tiny worship group composed of a handful of resident attenders. Our ministry is to provide spiritual community for ourselves by also for the many Friends and friends of Friends who come to Nicaragua to learn and serve. The experience here for most is a powerful and life-enhancing one that we are privileged to accompany. What stands out most to e from our time of worship together was the joy Multnomah Friends seem to find in that worship experience. It was certainly a joy for us as well. Thank you for your support of this group from your Meeting, and may it be the beginning of a rich and fruitful relation(ship). 
In peace, Pat Floerke, Clerk Managua Worship Group

Sara Carolina Narváez González – Gracias por su apoyo y que el señor los (les) bendiga.

Sara Carolina Narváez González – Thanks for your support and may the lord bless you all.

Diana Murillo - Bendito de Dios que permite estos acontecimientos y ha permitido que nos conozcamos y ustedes ayudarnos. Que Dios bendiga sus entradas y salidas hoy y siempre.

Diana Murillo - I am blessed by God for permitting these things to happen and that we have gotten to know each other and that you have helped us. May God bless your comings and goings always.

María Mercedes Serano - Muchas gracias por su ayuda para nosotros en la mano de obra y su visita. Esperamos que regresen nuevamente. Que Dios les bendiga y les deseo un buen viaje.

María Mercedes Serano - Many thanks for helping us with the work and by visiting. We hope that you will return again. May God bless you all and I wish you a good trip.

Soy Martha Vílchez y me siento muy alegre porque hay personas como ustedes. Solídanos Cariñosos y bondadosos, con un gran corazón tan hermosos. Gracias por toda su entrega. Que Dios todo poderoso los bendiga mucho mucho. Gracias (Martha?)
I am Martha Vílchez and I feel very happy because there are people like all of you. In solidarity, caring and kindness, with a huge heart you are so beautiful.  Thanks for your visit. May the all powerful God bless you very very much. Thank you. (Martha?)

Soy Rosa Urbina. Que Dios les bendiga y los proteja siempre.  Siempre les deseamos muchas prosperidades en sus iglesias, en sus grupos. Gracias por la ayuda y por el amor que llevan en sus corazones - aman al prójimo. Gracias por ser como son blancos como la lana y llenos de amor. Buen viaje. Rosa U.

I am Rosa Urbina. May God bless you all and protect you always. We wish for you much prosperity in your churches – in your groups. Thanks for the help and for the love that you carry in your hearts-- loving your neighbors. Thanks for being as you are, white as wool and full of love. Rosa U.

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